an unforgettable morning

Have you ever awoke before dawn, feeling refreshed and full of energy? That was my beginning; and since my girls were still fast asleep, I had a couple hours to myself. (What to do?!)

Not wanting to waste it, I quickly checked my surf conditions app and, to my delight and great fortune, it would be perfect conditions for this beginner in 30 mins at sunrise. I rushed to take advantage of it, and got down to the beach to find the best free parking spot waiting for me. (Score!)

It was then that I looked up to see the full moonset at sunrise with stunning shades of lavenders, oranges and blues. The water was like glass with a perfect, easy break every 10-15 mins. It could not be better!
As I waited for waves, (and practiced just staying on my board!), pelicans swooped down in long lines from my far left to my far right at a few inches off the water — and passed ten feet off the tip of my board.

Later, dolphins emerged 100 feet away, just off the end of a quiet Santa Monica Pier, but then shortly left. Before long they returned, arcing not 15 feet away — the proceeded to play with other dolphin friends merely 50 feet away.

Although a picture says a thousand words, the total experience is hard to put into words. But that morning will remain unforgettable.

Perfect start to the day, and my blog. Thanks for joining me.


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Yoga Craving

A funny thing happened this morning: I did yoga all on my own; my body craved it. It hasn’t been long since I took a renewed commitment to go to a single class per week, and yet my body is already naturally calling for it more frequently... Continue →